Monday, July 7, 2008

The most delicious $4 dinner

I just had a dinner so delicious, I had to write a post about it.

There's a local sushi store that sells take-out sushi boxes that I've been curious to check out. Today was the day: I stayed in the lab quite late and so decided to ride my back around town to buy a few things at the local 100-yen store (translated to a dollar-store, but with higher quality than in the US) and maybe finally try the sushi shop.

Well, apparently after some time in the evening (I tried to find out which time, but the woman at the counter and I didn't understand each other) everything is 50% off. The 750Yen ($7.5) box of sushi translated into 375Yen. And boy was it delicious. I wish I had taken a picture before I gobbled it up. Complete with a mochi-type desert and everything. Amazing stuff. Almost like this, but way better (pic found online):

And for additional desert I had some very delicious Japanese ice cream -- Pino (pic also found online; next time I promise to take my own photos):

And of course some delicious "ocha" (green tea). Amazing.
I don't know what I'll eat when I come back to the US...

P.S. I almost forgot the most important part -- Golden Kiwis! I've never seen them in the US. They look just like regular kiwis but have a beautiful golden color and the most amazingly pleasant fruity taste imaginable. They are my favorite fruit from now on. There.


Tagil said...

Насчёт сушов - настоятельно рекомендую в Токио - рынок tsukiji. Рыбацкие шхуны привозят громадных тунцов в человеческий рост, которых покупают на аукционе и развозят по стране, но прямо там на рынке можно найти ряд сушных заведений, где с пылу с жару можно отведать наверное наисвежайших шедевров кулинарного искусства

Anonymous said...

Ой прямо так вкусно! Я тоже хочу ) Правда, мне недавно у нас одно мороженное показалоссь ТАКИМ вкусным. И семечки белые вчера, вечером, на голодный желудок, - я думала, вкуснее ничего не ела.

Рада, что у тебя там все хорошо. И маленький велик.. Покажешь? Есть фото? :)


Danimal21qi said...

I love this post! It makes me happy to see such delicious food.