Sunday, July 6, 2008


Now that I have internet at home, it should be much easier to post, and I will try to update the blog every few days or so (in case anyone is still reading it :) ).

Backtracking 2 weeks back, I'd like to post about my homestay in the Japanese family.
As part of orientation for the JSPS/EAPSI program, everyone gets to stay with a Japanese host family for the weekend. I really lucked out and got to stay with the incredibly kind Mayuko-san and her daughter Hana

Mayuko-san was just so incredibly kind and welcoming, by the end of the weekend, I couldn't believe that I knew her for only 2.5 days. I really hope to see her again soon, as I live only about an hour away.

I wasn't so lucky in terms of weather, and it rained very heavily (Japan is in rainy season now; more on that later) for the bulk of the weekend. We still managed to get out, despite getting soaking wet a few times.

The first day was spent at Yokohama (2nd largest city in Japan that's adjacent to Tokyo, but the locals are very adamant about their city NOT being a part of Tokyo sprawl).

The next day we attempted going to temples and shrines in Kamakura, the city where Mayuko and Hana live, but the rain got the better of us and we had to return home quiet early. The afternoon was spent learning how to make origami -- Hana was a fantastic teacher!

Thanks for such a wonderful weekend and an introduction into Japanese life; I'll later find it quiet useful!

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