Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Frog-searching in Wakoshi

Tonight was finally the night to bring the plan into life. Using emergency earthquake flashlights that are supplied in our dorm rooms (for safety) and beer from our fridges (for bravery), Joana (a girl from Portugal who is also in RIKEN for the summer) and I embarked on our mission. 2 other brave souls followed our lead.

There's a large pond near where our rooms (in the "International house" are). The pond houses hordes of mosquitoes and at least several bullfrogs, which at first sounded to me like some sort of a chemical plant producing something slightly dangerous.

Our arsenal included silence, giddy laughter, poking sticks/tree branches, sound imitation and most importantly, bravery. The frog's arsenal included a home base, darkness and natural swiftness. Who won? That's irrelevant.

(And as I sat in my bed typing this and downloading photos, a 6.8 quake hit Northern Japan. This was the first of the many quakes to hit Japan since I arrived that I actually felt. Talk about slight danger).

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