Monday, August 11, 2008

Kimono-wearing lesson

In preparation for a big even this coming Thursday (a Yukata-clad (all-you-can-drink) cruise through Tokyo Bay!), Joana and I bought ourselves some yukatas (a light(er), summer kimono). Mine even came with picture-based instructions, so we figured no problem. After all, we saw enough girls wearing yukata all over the city, and how hard can it really be? Well, we were wrong.

After several feeble attempts at putting this thing together, and wondering what to do with all the strings that came with it, let along the obi (sash), we decided to ask for help. I asked Megumi-san (the awesome assistant in our lab, on the right), who in turn asked Okano-san (a kimono master!, on the left). This evening after work, we had a little impromptu lesson in my room:

It was mostly a success; although, the true test will come on Thursday, when we'll have to not only do it on our own, but also help another friend who was not able to come for the lesson. Turns out, the only way for this thing to not look completely ridiculous is for me to put wrap 2 towels around my waist to try to get rid of it and equalize it somewhat with my un-Japanese hips. And for the full effect, I needed to put a folded up magazine (a piece of cardboard would also work but that wouldn't be quite as creative). A shorter body would also help, but I'm afraid no pillows or magazines will help there.

Stay tuned for the report from the cruise!

1 comment:

Ang said...

hahaha Maria, that is very cool! I can't believe the towels and magazine, wow!

You look great in the kimono I think, how did you go at doing it yourself...?

Can't believe it's nearly time for you to head back to America. Sounds like you have had a great time!

Angela xx